The Cal Grant Reform Coalition Statement on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Proposed Budget for FY 2024-25
Together, California can fulfill the promise made to students for a better Cal Grant program.
The Fix Financial Aid Coalition's Statement on the 2022-23 State Budget agreement
As a result of years of leadership and dedication by students, business leaders, equity groups, and other advocates, the inclusion of the Cal Grant Equity Framework in the final budget represents a victory…
100 CA Leaders Call on Gov. Newsom & Legislature to #FixFinancialAid
California education, student, civil rights, and business leaders come together with a unified voice to support the most promising higher education equity and pandemic recovery proposal of the year: the Cal Grant Equity Framework which would expand financial aid to over 150,000 talented new students.
The Fix Financial Aid Coalition’s Statement on Gov. Newsom’s May Revise Budget
“While members of the Fix Financial Aid Coalition applaud Governor Newsom for his focus on higher education in this year’s May Revise, a key piece to this vision is missing - the Cal Grant Equity Framework to remove barriers to access financial aid for more than 150,000 students.
FFA Joint Statement
Members of the FFA Coalition view AB1746 as a top priority for California college students. Read the joint statement to learn why our partners believe the Governor’s budget needs revision and requires further reform of the financial aid system.
Legislative Leaders Introduce AB 1746 to Reform Cal Grant
Assemblymembers Jose Medina, Kevin McCarty, and Senator Connie Leyva introduce AB 1746 to achieve Cal Grant reform and implement the Cal Grant Equity Framework.